Friday, February 19, 2010

ye of little faith...

A few weeks ago, Adam and I went to Baltimore for the weekend. I love brunch and I love going out to brunch with Adam. But, Adam and I don't really have the same breakfast schedule. I am under the impression that breakfast is the meal that one eats between 1-2 hours after waking up because a human needs food in order to do stuff. Adam is like that car owner who really doesn't think at all about filling his gas tank until the car starts sputtering and then still drives 3 extra miles to find the best price. This means that we don't usually make it to brunch until 3pm and sometimes he needs to eat a granola bar in order to walk to the restaurant because he suddenly realizes that he hasn't eaten in 10 hours and is having trouble standing. Usually, it works out fine when we are home. I just eat three breakfasts. However, when out of town, things get a little trickier. Long story short, by the time we actually got to the Blue Moon Diner, my stomach was eating itself and I was feeling a little woozy. And then there was a 45 minute wait. And THEN I ate three breakfasts. All at once. I ordered a crab eggs benedict that could have fed 7 construction workers AND the above pictured captain crunch crusted french toast. Yes, french toast covered with captain crunch. It was delicious.

Valentines day happened a few Sundays later. Lately, I have been going to yoga with my friends Kindra and Lisa on Sundays. After an hour and a half of utter confusion, sweat, and my wimpy muscles planning their escape from my body we go to brunch with the boys and some other friends. It is the BEST meal of the week. I earned that omelet and mimosa, damn it. However, Kindra pointed out that getting a table for 5-7 for brunch on Valentines day might be a little bit difficult. Kindra's boy and Adam came up with the idea of making brunch at our place. The girls would go to yoga and the boys would make brunch. I have to admit that I didn't have high expectations. I am ashamed of that now. The brunch was amazing. Each boy made something. There were parfaits to start, and then Mexican eggs, and bacon, and potatoes, and mimosas, AND captain crunch french toast. Adam found the recipe here.

I sold Adam short. I thought he would just provide the kitchen and alcohol and then watch everyone else cook. But, instead he made CAPTAIN CRUNCH CRUSTED FRENCH TOAST. Himself. This is a big deal...... I just wrote a few sentences about how he doesn't cook and blah blah blah. But that would be me selling him short again. I like that he surprises me, but I probably shouldn't be so surprised. For my part, I made a bunch of heart shaped paper airplanes and dumped them on Adam's head.

I cut the hearts out of scrap paper that I have collected from work, junk mail, and what not.  Half through cutting them out, I realized that the stack of paper I grabbed came mostly from my work. Specifically, from unused worksheets teaching kids about their bodies, private parts, and personal space. For instance,

Now, that's a funny valentine.

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