Sunday, March 7, 2010

February Project RoundUP

I actually took care of business this month and met quite a few of the goals- particularly in terms of craftastic stuff. BUT, not so good about posting about them. So, here's the short story.

Inspired by the blog Honest Fare, I made food for Alma that actually doesn't taste bad. I followed her recipe for baked apples with prunes. The rest I just made up- Peas and potatoes with mint and potatoes with parsley. She seems to really like them. I really like feeding her new things. Her face makes this amazing expression of newness. Babies have the most purest facial expression of feelings. I would love to make a "today, I feel..." poster out of her. 

Due to her love of solids, I needed a serious bib- one that could handle baked apple with prune. I followed this tutorial on Prudent Baby. I kinda love it. Alma seems to dig it too.

Finally, I made bowling bunnies for my nephew following the tutorial on the lovely blog, The Long Thread. I don't have any great pictures of them, but they were definitely a success. My nephew got a HUGE kick out of them. Of course, he kind of gets a huge kick out of EVERYTHING. He's awesome like that. Picture show below.

Cut and in a row. I love the ear fabric. It has little monster circles with teeth!

Last minute packaging. I finally used the Ikea wrapping paper I bought at Christmas time for something! (I hate wrapping presents in wrapping paper but sometimes kind of love wrapping paper in of itself).

Checking them out. He later used a softball to knock them over. He also liked hitting them over the head with a wiffle bat.
It was my first attempt at embroidery. It went well but that's not saying much since I'm pretty sure a four year old could handle a bunny face. 

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