Monday, January 11, 2010

you know what they say about the start....

New Year's resolutions are tricky. Everything about them seems forced and cliche- even calling them cliché. So, that's not quite what I am trying to do. BUT, it is a new year and I do have some goals.

Now, these goals are more internal than external. I could say that I want to make more creative stuff or cook more adventurously or learn a new craft and I might very well do these things. But, that doesn't mean my life would be any better or fuller or that I would feel “happier”. I do a lot of things- and yes I could do more of some things (like finish craft projects that I start) and less of others (peanut butter, I am talking about you). But my problem isn't really in the doing. Its in the enjoying. Or the being present. Or the mindfulness. However you want to put it.

The point is, my brain can be a very scary place and that very scary place has a habit of stealing all the fun out of fun things that I do. And I want to work on working on that. And enjoy it.

Here is how it is going to work. I am going to come up with some goals, work a little bit towards those goals each week, and document the progress here. And, I'll try to learn how to blog and make this pretty and interesting in the process.

And maybe some day, I'll actually let someone know that this exists.

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