Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Goals

I have been dreaming up goals for the last couple weeks. I have at least a hundred. But, since this is suppose to be about enjoying and not doing and I want to enjoy this process, I should probably narrow this down. I want to make this achievable and measurable- blame that on working in mental health. So, I'm gonna set out some goal areas and then come up with little goals under each heading. I am afraid these are all going to sound terribly trite and cliche, but hopefully they will get more interesting when I flesh them out one by one later.

Goal Area #1: Creativity
I dream in felt and thread. But, instead of having fun with my creativity, I often get stressed out about making things. I think up new things I want to make all the time and then feel guilty about not doing all them. I know, messed up. So, the goal is to calm down and see creating things as a good thing for me. A thing worth time and energy and enjoyment.

Goal Area #2: Smarty Pants
There was a This American Life story a long while ago where Ira talked about "the American Jackass". The American Jackass alludes to people's tendency to take a tiny little bit of information about something and think they know everything. I am sometimes an American Jackass. Mostly, its out of laziness. I get one piece of information about something and find it interesting and start sharing it with people. I always mean to learn more, but I never find the time. And then people start to think I know what I am talking about. But, I don't. American Jackass.

Additionally, there is a whole set of random skills and knowledge I have somehow delegated to Adam. Mostly having to do with tech stuff. I want to know this stuff myself. This set of goals will be aimed at taking the time to really learn things and enjoy doing so.

Goal Area #3: Little Fish and Friends

I get stressed out really easily if you haven't noticed. Its ridiculous. So, this set of goals is about enjoying my little girl and my Adam and my friends. Its awful that I have to see my family and friends as productive in order to enjoy them and calm down the crazy. But, the end goal is that someday I will just enjoy my little fish and everyone else with ease and without setting goals.

There's the outline.

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