Sunday, February 14, 2010

February Ideas

I know the month is half way over, but I want to outline some ideas I have or things I have already done.

Craftastic!- Goal 1
* Make the amazing bunny bowling set for my nephew Ian. I found the tutorial on Etsy's handmade blog The Storque
* Make a serious bib for Alma. She just started eating solid foods. All we have are these little terry cloth bibs that are just laughable. I bought some amazing laminated cotton fabric by Amy Butler. I am going to use the tutorial by Prudent Baby and make something that looks like this:

* Make an exciting desert
* Make no knead bread

Goal 2- Smarty Pants.
 Finish Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingslover. And then form some educated ideas about the whole local eating thing. That's the only goal.

Goal 3- Family and Friends 
 * Go to Baltimore with Adam for a weekend. Visit Friends and the Aquarium. I actually already did this. It was lovely. 

* Visit my grandparents in Florida with Adam and Alma and my brother and his wife and son. I did this too. It too was lovely, but cold.
* Coffee and breakfast and fun with the people I love. I went to breakfast with my lovely friend Mel and had Sunday brunch today with more wonderful people. More of this is the goal.
Goal 4- REST
* No Freak Out Fridays- Each Friday, I am going to make a point to post. It might be pretty boring. Posts about grocery shopping and laundry, I'm sure. But, the point is to make meaningful goals that will make me feel like I had a good day and not just busy busy busy. And hopefully, I will bite Adam's head off less often. 
* Read
* Walk

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