Sunday, February 14, 2010

January progress

So, posting has been a little more difficult than I thought. But, just the thought of posting is still having the desired effect. I am thinking about ways to enjoy my life and making PLANS to do so. And spending a lot of time telling my brain to Calm The F*** Down. This is a good thing. So Here are some of the things I accomplished.

Goal 1- arts and crafts

I have been reading a bazillion blogs lately and finding tons of inspiration. I haven't been posting it here so much, but my RSS reader is FULL of starred items. I did fill the terrariums. 2 out of the 4 look great. One of the terrariums was a flat bottomed open container that I stuffed with leftover plants and a miniature plastic turtle. Em, the plants are less lively than they should be. I also have a mini-orchid in one of the larger containers that doesn't look great. But the project was fun and a success nonetheless. I still have three containers to fill. 

Also, I made bread. I haven't done that in years. The pre-baked evidence is above. I made a challah loaf and it was delicious. In the future, I will try to put the recipes here as well.

Goal 2:  Smarty Pants
I didn't do too much in pursuit of this goal this month. I started reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle  about local eating but haven't gotten very far. I also, started reading the manuals for our cameras. We have great cameras that I have no idea how to work. I am working on that.

Goal 3: Little Fish and Friends

I did well with this goal. On Fridays, when I have off work, I made a point to read more stories and lay on the floor more. We also took some extra long walks and made boring errands fun. Also, I played settlers with friends, visited an Aunt and Uncle I haven't seen in years, and saw a great play with Adam and Alex and Lisa. 
Goal 4: REST
I am working on this one. I have been going to yoga every Sunday and then going to brunch with some friends. WOW. Best. Thing. Ever. So much better of a Sunday tradition than church ever was. EVER. maybe. Either way, I love yoga brunch Sundays. 

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