Sunday, February 14, 2010

tiny little worlds.

I have been  obsessed with terrariums for a little while now. I think it actually started when I went to the Art Star Bazaar and saw amazing glass terrariums filled with felt plants and whatnot. They were these little magical worlds. The felted versions got me thinking about the real things. I remembered one in a fish tank in fourth grade but hadn't really thought about them since. I did a little browsing around on the internet and found all these inspiring modern beautiful versions that were way cooler than fourth grade aquariums.  I shared this excitement with my friend, Charlene and she mostly just thought I was weird. But, then she did some research and realized I was RIGHT, terrariums WERE amazing. So, she got me all of these for Christmas:

A few weekends ago, Charlene and I got together and filled the jars. It was a pretty lovely afternoon with a dear friend and I think our terrariums turned out lovely. One of mine has since died, but what can you do? Here is one that Charlene made:

Note the toilet and sink. AMAZING.

So this fills this project falls under Goal 1 and Goal 3.

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