Monday, September 13, 2010

30 before thirty

I will turn thirty on March 30. I am following Making it Lovely's lead and making a list of things I want to do before then. Not that its a DEADline or anything. Just motivation.

I have been making this list for a while and so have already accomplished a few of them. I guess I'll use the next seven months to try the rest.

I'll explain each item more as I check it off the list.

1. Buy a bicycle
2. Make a ham
3. Put something up for sale on my Etsy
4. Make a friend at my new job
5. Recreate this outfit from Antropologie  (the one on the left)
6. Make a dress for Alma
7. Take a quilting class at Spool (done!)

8. Learn to use the serger I got for Christmas two years ago
9. Have fun with Alma's first birthday (done!)

10. Make a quilt top for my new niece (done!)

11. Spend a weekend.. or a night.. or a few hours by myself
12. Make myself a workable studio
13. Throw a shirt altering party
14. Have a fantastic and only slightly ironic family photo taken
15. Try again to stop using paper towels
16. Wear lipstick everyday for a week
17. Go to a therapist (done!)

18. Read Steinbeck- East of Eden
19.  Make Alma a real room- you know, one that isn't a closet. (done!)

20. Make Ma-Po Tofu for real
21. Make dress/skirt/shirt for myself
22. Go on trip- Seattle with Adam and Alma? Girls only?
23. Make Bibimbap
24. Try liquid eyeliner
25. Print and organize the many many photos I have lying around since the fire and on my computer
26. Take a music or movement class with Alma (done!)
27.  Learn about pattern making
28. Take a play therapy class or read a book
29. Have a picnic in a park with Adam and Alma
30. Visit the Rosenbach or the Brandywine River Museum

1 comment:

MR said...

you can cross a few more off that list!
does the Bjork swan dress not count as a dress for Alma????

and i strongly support #22...girls only trip for your 30th!!!! oh yeah!

i <3 this blog.